Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Our Kickstarter project has gone live!  It is actually a lot of work to set this up.  You have to submit info to Amazon and to Kickstarter and set up your request page.  Then you wait for amazon to approve and THEN you wait for Kickstarter to approve.  We tried to start this at the very beginning of August!
So, for those of you who don't know us, we are www.thirdhalfstudios.com and we have funny little critters that are adorable and sinister at the same time!  We're trying to get some patches made but we just don't have the dough to make it happen.  so this is where you come in!  You can either donate or spread the word!  This is the link:


Please share it on your Twitter or Facebook or via email.  Also, if you have a few bucks to spare, check out the prizes and help us out!

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