Tuesday, September 15, 2009

East Atlanta Strut

So the Strut is next weekend. Its an awesome good time and my favorite craft fair of the year! It was a rough start when they told me i wasn't accepted even though I was sharing a booth with Jay. Anyway, common sense prevailed after several complaints and I was allowed to proceed. Of course this was a couple of weeks later so I didn't plan accordingly and I've fallen short of my goal on items to make. Oh well, it will be fun anyway.
So, I have decided there are too many sewing crafts and that may be why I was rejected. I needed a new item to set me apart. Sure, no one makes quilts at these things but then again, no one buys the quilts either. They'll pay 100 bucks for a painting that took a day to make but a quilt that too a lot of time and effort for 100? No way they say. So, my new item is slightly mass produced. I learned to make molds! I asked my friend to show me how and she's awesome so I knew she would be a great teacher. Now, how much should I sell these magnets for? I'm thinking 5 bucks for bugs, 7 for cows and 8 for the chickens. Discuss.


anie said...


carrie faye said...

superfantastico! i think those prices sound reasonable too.

Sara Ashes said...

i'm defintiely gonna come check them out in person this weekend!

Anonymous said...

ha! love them!