Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The baby car is an adult now

She flipped 200,000 miles last night. Luckily it was on my street so she stayed that way all night! We may have a party for her this weekend!

Far East Motorworks (the best Honda mechanic in Atlanta) has a car that is the same 98 civic as mine but it is at 648,000 miles! Holy Moley! The owner brings it in once a month because he drives for a living. Usually it just needs an oil change but sometimes it gets the full service or a belt.

Proper maintenance kids...proper maintenance.


shannon said...

i love the "no speeding" sticker...

*giggle* does it work?

Lori said...

The no speeding sticker was from my 400 dollar ticket and no, it doesn't really work that often.

DogwoodGirl said...

Put your seatbelt on!