Wednesday, October 24, 2007


So, my NC BFF Claire has the softest kitty in the world. I hate to be so gay and girlie but today, I talk about kitties. My kitty Tang is pretty soft (or he was until he decided to be goth and live in the basement, but that's a different story) but Claire's cat Pants is super duper soft! She loves Pants so much that she asked me to commemorate him in a tiny quilt. I started making tiny quilts because they're fun, somewhat portable, and cute as hell! So here is the before and after of the Pants Tiny Quilt.
And yes, Pants DOES have a tiny head. I didn't do it, she was born that way.
Tang footnote:
Tang recently got a new dog and he does not like the new dog. To protest, Tang lives in the basement and is a loner. Its like a teenager with a new stepdad. Thank GOD he isn't wearing black eyeliner. Yet.

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